Tuesday 7 March 2017

Bonnet Makak Monkey Found in Pench National Park, Officials Surprised

Sivni: The Pench National Park in the district is always kept in the headlines for something. There are wide variations in species and organisms found in this park. These days, a monkey is being found near Pench National Park, which is usually found in the south and especially in the shores of the sea and in the limited area of ​​Tapti Godavari river. This monkey is one or the other, it is a matter of search. It may also be done that if closely observed, then such species of other organisms and species can be found here, which cannot be found commonly in Madhya Bharat.

Bonnet Makak Monkey at Pench National Park

Bonnet Makak Was Found Twenty Kilometers Away

A unique monkey was seen in the past near the Bahvan Kadi river on the border of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Which is about 15-20 km from the boundary of Pench Park. This monkey is usually not found in Pench national park and Madhya Pradesh. This monkey, named Bonnet Makak, was acting like other monkeys. When investigating more about the monkey, it was discovered that it is a bonnet found in South India.

Nickname Due to Head Hairs

Awadhesh Verma, professor of biology at the excellent school, says that the distribution of Bonnet Makak is limited to the areas of Indian Ocean and Tapti-Godavari rivers filled with water. The nature of Bonnet Makak is similar to the common monkeys, but it is adapted for the South Junket's. Generally, Bonnet Makak groups live in etc. There is also the possibility that there are other partners as well. On the head of Bonnet Makak, hair is like a hat, due to which it has its name. Bonnet Makak usually sleeps in the trees near resident areas.

How The Monkey Came Here

The experts are not unanimous about how this monkey came to this area. If it is a monkey, then Shrewhran Sen, director of Pench Park, says that it is likely that this monkey has come into this area by sitting in a vehicle etc. The other possibility is that some Madari has left this monkey in this area and left it.

Wildlife photographer and expert Imran Khan says that nature has hidden a lot in itself. It is likely that in the area of ​​Pench National Park and Madhya Pradesh and such monkeys. We do not know about. Shubhrajan Sen says that this is also a possibility. There is no line on the ground that not only this particular area can be found in this limited area. As you move towards Assam, some changes can be seen in the monkeys there.

Experts are Surprised

Whatever the truth, however, the presence of this monkey in this area has generated a curiosity for the experts. It may also be that in the days to come, see a new species of monkeys from the pancake monkeys and bonnet maakak relations. The viewing of Bonnet Makak in the area has increased the need for research.

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